Find all the reports published by the Consortium Members for LEVEL EEI:

Moving the blockers of retail sustainable finance: 6 National Reports
– Belgium: Report
– Italy: Report
– The Netherlands: Report
– Poland: Report
– Spain: Report
– Sweden: Report

The Impact Potential Assessment Framework (IPAF) for financial products
– IPAF Report
– IPAF Summary
– Discussion Paper 1
– Discussion Paper 2
– Discussion Paper 3
– Discussion Paper 4
– Discussion Paper 5
– Discussion Paper 6
– IPAF Grid

Guide on environmental impact claims for EU financial products: Report

Guidance and Questionnaire for assessing client sustainability preferences and motivations

A practitioner guide for asset managers & asset owners to assess clients’ and beneficiaries’ sustainability preferences: Report

I’ve Got the Power! Really? Assessing the impact potential of financial products supporting the energy transition: Report

Integrating sustainability preferences of clients
Key Findings

Other reports:
Academic Paper: Get Real! Individuals Prefer More Sustainable Investments.
– Environmental Impact Product Factsheet
Literature Review on the legislation on environmental claims

Policy papers:
Recommendations for a Sustainable EU Retail Investment Policy
Recommendations for the Consumer Credit Directove (CCD)
Recommendations for the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) Proposal Recast
Answer to the Public Consultation on the review of the Mortgage Credit Directive (MCD)

This website and its content, including the deliverables, reflects only the author’s view and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.