High Level Expert Forum for Sustainable Finance

Co-Creating the Future of Sustainable Finance.

Listen to the Plenary sessions of the HLEF – 2022

Opening Speech by Guillaume Prache, BETTER FINANCE
Keynote Speech: Marylin Waite, Climate Finance Fund
Panel 1 – How to impact energy efficiency and sustainable energy investments with sustainable financial products? 
Lecture & Q&A – Measuring and proving environmental impact, an impossible task – really?
Presentation: How to elicit sustainability (or social) preferences? 
Panel 2 – How to measure these preferences in practice?
Panel 3 – Roadmap to harmonised sustainability information 
Keynote Speech: Sven Gentner, EC DG FISMA
Panel 4 – Introduction by Sean Kelly, MEP
Panel 4 – Retail lending for energy efficiency of buildings
Download the presentations from the plenary sessions

Opening by Guillaume Prache, BETTER FINANCE

Lecture by Mickaël Mangot, 2Dii

Presentation by Rob Bauer, University of Maastricht

Panel 4 organised by WWF

Download the presentations from the workshops

Workshop 1 moderated by Nicola Koch, 2Dii

Workshop 2 moderated by Mickaël Mangot, 2Dii

Workshop 3 moderated by Nicola Koch & Mickaël Mangot, 2Dii

Workshop 4 moderated by Samia Baadj & David Cooke, 2Dii