High Level Expert Forum for Sustainable Finance

Level the green playing field for individual investors

(Re)Watch the Plenary sessions of the HLEF – 2021

Opening Speech by Guillaume Prache, BETTER FINANCE
Keynote Speech: Shifting the Trillions – Why will private investors play a key role?
Keynote Speech: Briefing on the results of the COP26, Sagarika Chatterjee, UN-PRI
Panel 1 – Beyond impact washing: How can the financial sector improve its impact on the real economy?
Panel 2 – POLICY DEBATE: How best to embed sustainability in the retail investment strategy?
Panel 3 – Individual investors’ protection in the context of EU sustainable financial strategy
Presentation of LEVEL EEI: objectives and where we are
Presentation of the market and innovations
Recommandations on EEI/SEI policies
Wrap up of the event & Closing speech