
Ben Granjé is Director at Beconomics, a research- & consulting office focussing on the behavior and education of investors. He holds a Master of Psychology from the University of Ghent. Following a career in banking, the fund industry and more than 10 years at Morningstar, Mr Granjé accepted a mandate as CEO for the Individual Investor Federation in Belgium/Flanders, the VFB (a member of BETTER FINANCE). Additional mandates include an appointment on the Advisory Council to the Central Labelling Agency of TowardsSustainability (the Belgian ESG-authority for the Financial Industry), and a mandate as the country representative for Belgium in the H2020/Level EEI research project. Ben is a regular speaker on international investment conferences, and co-author of several books on investments & investment behavior.
VFB (the Individual Investor Federation of Flanders/Belgium) is a non-profit organisation by and for investors, promoting investing as the preferred method for long-term savings as well as the only sustainable choice to support ones family, the economy and society at large. Its objective is to provide independent information, guidance and education around the management of household financial assets (financial education & wellbeing). The focus is on listed assets (equity, ETFs, Funds) or companies in the stages leading up to a listing on the exchange.
Also, VFB is a representational body for the individual investors towards the financial industry and the government, and a communication channel for stakeholders in the economy looking for a target audience of investors.
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